Tuesday 8 January 2008

Back Office Processes (Continued)

8) What is a cookie? Why does a transactional web site need them?
A cookie is a small text file, when the user visits a web site, they are stored on their hard drive. Transactional web sites use cookies to to a record of the users' activities and preferences while the are on the site so that next time they come back to the web site it can respond to the user in a customised way - for example on some web sites such as 'ask.com' the user is able to change the colour scheme - because this web site uses cookies, the next time the user accesses the site it remembers their preference of colour scheme and uses it automatically. Another example is if somebody accessed a web site in Germany and clicked on the link for them to see the English version of the site, next time they accessed the site it would remember their preference and automatically load the English version of the web site because a cookie would be placed on the users's hard disk with the message 'Language=English'. This makes customers more likely to come back to the web site.

9) Why is it useful to get a customer to log in to the web site?
Because when a customer is logged in it allows them to be tracked anonymously by using a random number sent in a cookie. Other tables in a database can track the user's actions. When a customer is logged in they can be monitored much more closely - actions can trigger data being written to the database - this information can then be used in a number of ways. An example of how this can be used is to reward loyal customers with special offers.

Activity (pg 144)
List of tables from figure 2.20 that might be involved in tracking customers actions:
  • bundles
  • cartRows
  • cartRowsOptions
  • Categories
  • Categories_products
  • creditCards
  • customers
  • customer types
  • customer_specialPrices
  • emails
  • layout
  • options
  • orders
  • payments
  • rentals
  • reviews
  • screenMessages
  • settings
  • shipments
  • visits
  • wapCarts
  • wapSessions
  • wishList

10) At what point is HTTPS encryption used? Why?

It is used when the user gives their credit card details in order to keep the information they give secure. Both the data itself and the field or table need to be encrypted. This means that if the database is read by unauthorised peopel they will not be able to read the card details.

11) Why is this method safe even if someone intercepts the data travelling to the website?

Because they will not be able to read or understand the data once it has been encrypted.

12) Explain why a stolen card is unlikely to be used for online shopping.

Because on most web sites, address details will be checked to make sure they match the card and first time orders must alwasy be delivered to the address held by the card company meaning whoever stole the card will not be able to get it delivered to themselves.

13) What is stock control? How are stock recorders managed by computer?

Stock control is all of the processes involved in ordering, storing and selling goods. Often real-time stock control is used so that there is no way that two users can order the same item. A web sites stock control runs on a computer system. The purpose is to make sure that there is always enough stock to meet the demands but not too much stock as this is a waste of money when it could be used for other parts of the business. When replacements need to be ordered, the web iste could have links to the supplier on the Internet so that the replacement goods can be automatically ordered. Careful analysis of sales is required ot help with prediction of sales volume so that the minimum stock levels cna be maintained.

14) List the processes involved in Despatch and Delivery of goods.

  1. Customer logs on
  2. Customer selects goods required
  3. Goods in stock? (if yes...)
  4. Customer confirms order (if yes...)
  5. Customer logs out after payment

  1. Customer order
  2. Check customer details and credit cards
  3. Amend stock database
  4. Print despatch note and pick goods
  5. Arrange despatch of goods

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