Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Planning for the Future

For the future, most businesss need to considder:
  • Possible expansion
  • New areas of business
  • New ways of doing business
  • Keeping costs down

Operational tasks are the things that staff have to do every day in order to keep things running. For example every day a teacher has to deliver lessons.

However, because things are changing all the time there have to be people who think ahead and plan, these people are called directors. They do something called called a strategic activity - this means planning where the company is going and it is an extremely important job, if they do something wrong there could be severe consequences and lots of people could lose their jobs.

Management need processed data that shows trends in the company, they want the big picture however they do not need all the details. The data is usually considderably processed and has its origins at lower levels.

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